Monday, September 8, 2008

The Hungry Kindergarten Chronicles!

My daughter has thrown me for a loop with her new kindergarten routine. We are in the third week of school and despite my efforts to pack a yummy, fun, appetizing lunch, she won't eat until she gets in the car to come home. She tells me she "forgot" to eat. I think she prefers to drink her milk and hit the playground. I am hoping this is normal and she will adjust pretty soon since she is hardly eating breakfast either! I am hoping an moms/teachers with this type of experience can give me some tips about helping with this adjustment. Now I know logically that she won't starve but I like her to be able to concentrate, learn and not be cranky from hunger as well! And emotionally, I am worried that she is still scared with the changes that come in the transition from preschool to kindergarten. I don't want to have to contact the teacher about it and I keep giving her one more day to eat before I act but I am starting to worry (I am a worry wart all the time anyway)! So, to my readers, please.... Any tips, stories, info about this kind of kid problem would be very appreciated! Thanks!

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